RootsTech 2020 wrap up : All the great fun we had!!!


It was a birthday bash!!!

And like in every birthday party, there were balloons, treats, cakes and friends.

30.000 friends.

How COOL is that???!!!!

(Our friend Randy Seaver receiving a lifetime achievement award for making genealogy his life!)

Very cool indeed!

There were lectures of courses, and so many of them that it was hard to make a choice!!! Lucky attendees that we are, we also had access to a Virtual Pass possibility allowing us to follow, there and now, the lectures we weren’t able to attend in person. I attended a lot of DNA lectures because I’m really fascinated by the subject and really think it’s the future of genealogy in Europe too. Not as a substitute to research, not as the new playground craze but as a very real research complement to genealogical sources!


The Keynotes were so brilliant too!!! LeighAnn Tuohy and her real life story that inspired the Sandra Bullock film The Blind Side, David Hume Kennerly seeing the world through his lenses with a close proximity to many US Presidents! And NFL Legend Emmitt Smith talked of how one particular ancestor helped him being the champion he is now!

But not only that!!

RootsTech is about meeting friends that are part of our genealogy family! It’s catching up with people you love very much! It’s about meeting new friends and making sure that they enjoy the RootsTech vibe to the max!!


5 things I just LOVED about RootsTech 2020 :

  • Easy register process and blues shirts to help everywhere !
  • Lectures, the lectures, the lectures!!!
  • The 3D Google View experiences also with the MayFlower experience (that was SO brilliant!!)

  • Emmitt Smith Lecture about his career!

RootsTech is also a moment to learn new skills or information about old or recent collections, to get hold of the latest tools in business or the latest publications!!

Three important ones to mention, by the way !

° The Psychology of searching by Dr Penny Walters : or why do we search what we search !!! An essential question !!!

  • Diahan Southard’s new book on DNA : a step-by-step guide!
  • The Milkman’s son by Ryan Lindsay : a great story about family history, connections and how a DNA mystery can help reveal much more about us than we ever thought!!!

A page-turner telling on how researching his roots, led the author to a major discovery!!! Really Really liked the book and wouldn’t let it go!!!

and still Family Locket and their great

We’re all always very sad to say goodbye and leave RootsTech but absolutely THRILLED about RootsTech coming back to London on Nov. 5-7!!! You can already register here as I know it will be as fun and entertaining as the one in Salt Lake City!!!

Will I see you there? 😉

(and until then, stay safe ! ❤ )

UPDATE : I can’t resolve to erase my last sentence but I have to add that due to the COVID-19 Outbreak and to preserve all attendees, vendors,speakers,ambassadors and staff, RootsTech London 2020 is postponed to 2021!!! Long Live #RootsTech2021 !!!





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