2016 FamilieKunde Vlaanderen Congress and Geneatica FH Show together!

It’s in the « Cité of the Maca »*, Wavre, hometown to the Belgian PM Charles Michel, that the 2016 congress of Familiekunde Vlaanderen will take place along with « Généatica », the family show traditionnally organised by Geniwal association.  Both events will take place on the 20/21st february 2016 so you can already book it in your agendas. It’s the first time that the two sistership associations will get together for a common event so this promises to be a great event! More news to come!

* The « Maca »‘ is that statue next to Wavre Town Hall. It’s said that whoever caressses his bottom see luck on his/her side!

Nouvelles conditions d’accés au centre de documentation du musée de l’armée!

Les règles d’accés au centre de documentation de l’armée viennent de changer !

Alors que l’accés aux collections du centre de documentation (dont les dossiers militaires des soldats nés avant 1890) était devenu gratuit, il vous sera à nouveau demandé des frais d’inscription  ( 20 euros pour une année sans prises de vue, 30 euros pour la même période avec prises de vues ou 8 euros pour une semaine)pour pouvoir consulter le dossier de tel ou tel ancêtre, militaire de carriére ou engagé.  Bien sûr, la consultation de la base de donnée ( non exhaustive)  vous permettra de vérifier éventuellement la présence, ou non, d’un dossier au centre de documentation :


Un lecteur averti en vaut deux! 🙂


50 years of Familiekunde Vlaanderen

The family history federation of Flanders has a very important birthday coming up!
The coming week end will be filled with a family history show, various conferences and ceremonies. There will be people from France, Belgium and The Netherlands so this event is a must for family historians in the Benelux and Beyond!  I’ll be there all two days so feel free to come and meet for a chat!

The whole programme of this event is to be found at



Familiekunde Vlaanderen is 50!



Success for Paris Family History Show!

Numbers aren’t out yet but we can already say that the new Family History in Paris has been a huge success! Hundreds,or rather,thousands have gathered in the Mairie of the XVe arrondissement of Paris to celebrate family history and help amateurs and more experienced researchers. Organized by the well-known edition house, Archives et Culture, the show offered different conferences and booths from all over France from Languedoc to Dunkirk not forgetting of course the important subjects of military or seamen ancestors. The visitors could also seek help on the Belgian, Italian, Jewish, Arabic side of their trees not forgetting the British of course. At some point,the place was so crowded there was no point trying to make a way into the alleys and the organizers had to distribute more than welcomed water bottles to dehydrated exhibitors.

No doubt! This won’t be the last genealogical « salon » in Paris!

Greetings from the Eiffel Tower 🙂


Full House in Paris for the first genealogy show of Archives Et Culture
Full House in Paris for the first genealogy show of Archives Et Culture